We filed suit against Jena Griswold to overturn the unconstitutional open primary law.
The Colorado Republican Party is suing to protect our right to have Republican voters choose our Republican nominees as guaranteed in the First Amendment.
The current unconstitutional open primary scheme allows for Democrats, and other leftwing groups, to interfere in our primary nomination outcomes so they can weaken our general election prospects.
We welcome all unaffiliated voters to join our Party if they want to have a say in selecting our nominees but we will not stand idly by as radical leftwing organizations use an unconstitutional law to further harm our election efforts.
Please donate to this cause today. We need your help to win in court and stop the Democrats from interfering and undermining our campaign efforts.
We need to raise several tens of thousands of dollars in the next few months so we can be successful in our efforts as we appeal to SCOTUS and potentially pivot our nomination system from a Presidential Preference Primary to a pure Caucus process.
Go bless and thank you for all your help to make our elections better.
For Freedom,
Dave Williams - Chairman, Colorado Republican Party